
sunfish sailing dhingy!

Just sail this little guy with my buddy a Sailer man named Evan!

What a fun experience!!! Tacking and releasing ropes and all that jazz. Being so close to the water let me see the waves rolling in at a low eye level. There is so much movement in everything all around. I was scared at first but I feel the ninja status coming on! Soon I dream to sail with a harness and and those rad rope grapping with the toe kind of shoes on a hobieCAT!!! Unreal. 

Also!!! There were some groups of female rowers that'd gone by and let me tellllll you, they meant bizzzznasss!!!! Baddass!!!   


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Waikiki, Hawaii Song

While filming some stuff for I sang this little diddydooooo to waikiki. 

My roommate is from hawaii and I love her!! That's it! My next hawaii song is totally going to be about Nalea!!!  

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Hike in the jungle!

Kahana Valley State Park! 

we weaved in and out of the trees. we stared at the bright green moss. We breathed deep. And appreciated every scent. And stood in the sun. We'd see misquitos and run. We listened to the streams. The leaves blowing with the trees. Heard something moving in the distance, adventures with no resistance.  Happy happy earth! Thank you!!


We ate apples and drank lemon water. 



Studying script for

Doing some filming today to introduce some videos for! I sat next to it's founder Ray on the plane here to Hawaii. I really believe in the organization and feel honored to be a part of anything they have going on! 🐠🐟🐬🐳

They're currently looking for investors to print out 20,000 copies of their DVD to be a pillow gift for children who have a long stay in the hospital. This is the cover to an amazing proposal. If you are interested or know someone interested in helping fund anything they have going on, let me know!!! 




Today January 16th is my BiRTHDAY!!

Happy birthday to me!! Happy birthday to you! Life is incredibly fascinating and miraculous. 

Two cells combining to create a whole new being. Birth is even cooler! I am so gratful that after 10 years of wanting a child my parents finally had their prayers answered. 

Each day is an oppertunity to feel reborn again. A chance to remake and reinspire the self. To Begin and continue this journey.  

Traveling had helped me do that. Right now I'm in Hawaii living on a boat. I wake up with the sun right before it rises and it feels rejuvenating. I work on La Luz from like 5/6am-12pm. Then I adventure for the rest of the day... Surfing, swimming, hiking, climbing, snorkeling and more.  When it's night time I practice my guitar and write songs. Reconnecting with my passion for music. I even published my website again! And began posting my silly songs.  It feels so good. I love taking deep long breaths. 

High on live is the best kind of high!

High on live is the best kind of high!

Today I ate a healthy breakfast, am doing AcroYoga,  will swim and play guitar, go to a raw/vegan restaurant for dinner, then an arcade to play games! This weekend is adventure time again with hiking, climbing and camping on the beach. And maybe even sky diving! 

 Birthday update: After dark...



happy birthday to me! 

happy birthday to me! 

I love raw living  foods!!!

I love raw living  foods!!!

At DAVE AND BUSTERS!!!! This place is amazing!!!!!

At DAVE AND BUSTERS!!!! This place is amazing!!!!!

So many games! 3d games! Touch screen games! Even a huge digital 15 foot connect 4!!!! Arcade heaven! 



Kalihi Ice Ponds

A little ballet for the waterfall. 

A little ballet for the waterfall. 

Yesterday i adventured To the Kalihi Ice Ponds. Twas quite refreshing! The ride was down a road that became very jungle. We pulled over to the side of the road then entered past a gate past a no trespassing sign (which I've been told most good hikes have). The hike was down a road will fallen branches then some big rocks then a somewhat of a steep walk.

Road to Kalihi Ice Ponds 

Road to Kalihi Ice Ponds 

We turn right and climb down taking hold of overgrown roots and trees to keep balance. I love the way the tree bark feels on my finger tips. Grounded. Earthy. Connected. 

Beautiful water fall! 

Beautiful water fall! 

The water of corse was freezing. But completely refreshing. Body tingling! Shall I say... Breathtaking. Hah. 

This roof tree rocks!

This roof tree rocks!



Rock climbing at Mokuleia at the NorthShore in Hawaii!

Beginning the hike up to the climb! 

Beginning the hike up to the climb! 

Tightening up the other side. Getting my descending belaying face on. 

Tightening up the other side. Getting my descending belaying face on. 

Always wear a helmet when climbing or belaying! 

Always wear a helmet when climbing or belaying! 

What an amazing climb!! One of the most challenging climbs I've ever experienced! Pure magic! 

What an amazing climb!! One of the most challenging climbs I've ever experienced! Pure magic! 

Climbing is spiritual. When I am climbing face to face with the rock, it is just us. I study it, where to put my feet, my hands, how to manover my body, pressing, leaning, hanging, feeling the rock's texture and grip on my fingers. Just the rock and I. In these quiet moments. The birds fly. Pieces of my hair fall across my face as the gentle wind blows.  It's a test of my physical strength. I push so hard I shake.  I attempt 4x before I fall into my harness and look down at my partner who's got my life in his hands. I push off with my feet and grab the crack, shoving my hand to get a good grip. I smudge myself up, having to put my full weight on my leg to stand up. How am I so heavy?! Every inch counts so I hear my partner yell stand up and extend your legs completely. Great! I've overcome the crux now it's ninja time! 

View from the top!!

View from the top!!

Climbed that! 

Climbed that! 



Where Do You Go From Here Song!

If the ocean rises and ur back is against the rocks, the real question is 'where do u go from here!?!?' Of course you climb it. But if there was no questions before that answer then there would be no song! ::gasp::



Angelic Breeze

Waikiki Beach, Hi. 3pm

Beach selfie! This is what's cool about being in a tropical place is that after work you get to enjoy nature. Worked this morning. Went for a jog and a swim now soaking up some vitamin D! Very thankful. Traveling is so rejuvenating and inspiring. Ju…

Beach selfie! This is what's cool about being in a tropical place is that after work you get to enjoy nature. Worked this morning. Went for a jog and a swim now soaking up some vitamin D! Very thankful. Traveling is so rejuvenating and inspiring. Just the wind on my hair and the sound of it gently blowing past my ears feel so angelic.
